27 diciembre 2011

Here comes the sun...

Happy 1 year & 9 months♥
I love you, everything in my life is you, don't be baka, you know i can never be mad at you, you know it, i was mad with me, not with you... never with you. You are everywhere with me, in the songs... like the day we fought, "Special of Justin B. and neeeeeeext Special of Bruno Mars, meanwhile Skyscraper of DL" on tv ...OK OK LIFE!! I know what to do... but i wanted to know if you can do the same... but why wait for? If the only bad person there was me.
Here comes the sun (turururu~)
here comes the sun, and i say
it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
here comes the sun
here comes the sun, and i say
it's all right


18 diciembre 2011

13 diciembre 2011

The good one.

I hope the sun shines
And it's a beautiful day
And something reminds you
You wish you had stayed.

09 diciembre 2011


anyday, now... it's gonna start - my real life.

and anyday, now: everything is gonna be all right...
anyday, now: life's gonna get real good.
and somehow: life'll be like i sed it would

anyday, now - mark my word!
anyday, now - i will be heard!
anyday, now - my ship will finally come in...
anyday, now: i'm gonna jump right in.

and anyday, now: my destiny will begin.

and until then i'll just be here

wasting my time...

but, don't you worry,

i'll be just fine:

finally come in...

Todo lo que sucedió el viernes pasado, todo lo que me sucedió, quiero guardarlo solo para mí.

13 noviembre 2011


There's something about Sunday night that really makes you want to kill yourself.

07 noviembre 2011

Hit the lights.

and we will see.

01 noviembre 2011

IT´S ALL ABOUT US [Untouchable]

I still remember the words you said. The hesitations, the sighs, the stuttering, and everything in between. I still remember the things you promised, - your words of comfort that made me sleep so good at night. The sound of your voice lingers as you tried to find the right words to say goodbye in the sweetest way possible. Everything that has once felt so real, has now faded far away to a place I sometimes wish to revisit.

27 octubre 2011

The time.

Never thought you'd make me perspire

Never thought i'd do you the same

Never thought i'd fill with desire

Never thought i'd feel so ashamed

Me and the dragon can chase all the pain away

So before i end my day remember

My sweet prince you are the one

My sweet prince

You are the one

Te amo Naya~

26 octubre 2011


Press the button

Let me live


I am robot

Hear me glitch

Watch me tame

My inner bitch

I am robot

Hear me glitch

Watch me cure

The human itch

11 octubre 2011

Your Voice.

Tengo ganas de recostarme, sobre las hojas viejas del otoño…

hasta que la lluvia me ahogue.

El tiempo se va tan lento…

                Los días son tan largos y sombríos…ya no me gustan.

Quiero sacar ese nudo en mi garganta que cada día se hace más grande.

No estoy lista para verte Kyo, aun no lo estoy.

03 octubre 2011


What a night for a dance, you know I'm a dancing machine
With a fire in my bones and the sweet taste of kerosene
I get lost in the night so high I don't want to come down
To face the loss of the good thing that I've found

In the dark of the night I could hear you calling my name
With the hardest of hearts I still feel full of pain
So I drink and I smoke and I ask you if you're ever around
Even though it was me who drove us right in the ground

See the time we shared it was precious to me

But all the while I was dreaming of revelry

Born to run, baby run like a stream down a mountainside
With the wind in my back I don't ever even bat an eye
Just know it was you all along who had a hold of my heart
But the demon and me were the best of friends from the start

So the time we shared it was precious to me

All the while I was dreaming of revelry

Dreaming of revelry

And I told myself boy away you go, it rained so hard it felt like snow

Everything came tumbling down on me

In the back of the woods in the dark of the night

Paleness of the old moonlight everything just felt so incomplete

Dreaming of revelry

10 septiembre 2011

Clever | Take care...

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."

I'm always sad, i'm always bad and sad, but when i notice i am this all is when you are not with me, i mean, my days are "normal" feeling bad and sad is ordinary, but this things hit me more when you are not with me, i remember that i'm sad and not ok. Estoy mal, nunca estoy bien... si tu no estas...es como si me acordara que estoy mal. Do you know what i mean?

Fuck it...

if you go... take care

31 julio 2011


No sé si es porque estoy de malas, pero últimamente odio cualquier clase de humano, even the good ones…

Para mis ojos, todos son hipócritas, todo mundo espera que yo haga lo que les parece y les gusta o al menos eso me han demostrado. Estoy muy cansada de la gente.

Y no sé si me hace eso hipócrita, tal vez sí, porque aun convivo con ellos, incluso les doy gusto para cerrarles la boca, no sé, como para no traerme más problemas que sé yo, si fuerzo una sonrisa o un comentario con tono suave. Fuck it.
No me gusta, pero lo siento y no puedo evitar actuar así.

Pero no voy a darles más gusto, me vale si esta mal o bien, si les gusta o no. De verdad, hablo de todo mundo, familiares, gente que conozco, me importa un carajo su opinión, ni dejaré de ser quien soy.

03 julio 2011


I discovered that my obsession for having each thing in the right place, each subject at the right time, each word in the right style, was not the well-deserved reward of an ordered mind but just the opposite: a complete system of pretense invented by me to hide the disorder of my nature. I discovered that I am not disciplined out of virtue but as a reaction to my negligence, that I appear generous in order to conceal my meanness, that I pass myself off as prudent because I am evil-minded, that I am conciliatory in order not to succumb to my repressed rage, that I am punctual only to hide how little I care about other people’s time. I learned, in short, that love is not a condition of the spirit but a sign of the zodiac.

24 junio 2011

(no words)

I want to write... a lot of things, about a lot of shits...
about her...
about him...
about them...

but i can't do it ...i try...but i can't, maybe... there's something... that will make me write again (is it bad maybe? no more problems please)
i just can say i'm TOO TIRED now

yeah, "i'm twenty, and i'm already exhausted"

 words will come back to me, like a expensive rings

28 mayo 2011

A New Swan Queen

"Unfortunately, I am starting to realize how vengeful, hateful, uncompassionate, and selfish people are. It's an inevitable lesson to be learned by teenagers, i suppose. I still alive a fantasy world in wich people are compassionate, admit to their wrongs and are decent human beings. I hope to soon snap out of this silly thought process through. And see, without glasses, that the human race is a whole disappointing and disgusting, and thinking or expecting anything more is dumb on my part and will any lead to more feeling of disgust and disapointment."

It isn't anyone's fault, it's just how is it.

26 mayo 2011

A Room Of Her Own

"Is not getting any easier
Some days it feels like i'm disappearing, you know?
kind of like how you forgot about me...
Now it feels like everyone else is too
and i'm just here...
constantly fading in and out peoples lives."

I know there's something wrong with me... i'm not human, i'm not that human you want to... i'm just a piece of metal, so cold... i can't move... put me some oil please...

23 mayo 2011

The new season.

"She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through wich sadness could be divided in its infinit spectrum"

(Thanks EK ♥ :) i hope you keep reading )

18 mayo 2011

Mother me.

I wake up, drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. I wish that I could want to be one of those normal people who functions in a normal world. I live in a dreamland of starving.. When I eat, my world comes crashing down and time stands still. I am hungry for hunger. I have no friends, no job, left University due to my ed. I spend my days in a spiral of obsession, measuring, weighing, counting, planning, smoking, starving, eating/panicking.. and fending off the voice in my head.

15 mayo 2011

that golden girl

A girls got to suffer for fashion

She knows what her body can do-ooh-ooh

She finds a man and she makes it her passion

I'm happy trying all the time with a boy like you.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

06 mayo 2011

Nina's Dream

I've lost my friends, my hair, my good grades, my smile, my life and my mind. But I haven't lost enough weight.

24 abril 2011

golden sky and what is beyond

Es tan inexplicable para mí, como muchas cosas llegan de golpe y se van como llegaron.
Pienso en lo que me imagino cada día que pasa desde esa chistosa vez y quisiera que no solo fueran palabras.
Vuelve a ser tan confuso, tan desordenado, tan culpable, tan irritante tan tan tan tan…
Quiero que lo que me pase sea lo que le pasa a los demás, que las cosas salgan solo bien.
Pero ahora, que me pongo a reflexionar, tal vez, es mi castigo.
Soy floja sentimentalmente hablando.

No sé que hacer, puedo contar con los dedos las veces que me ha pasado lo mismo.

“Porque siempre que pasa eso se te olvida que eres una chica muy inteligente”

Me subí a la montaña rusa y ha sido un caso especial, en el que he subí muy alto y baje de poco a poco y las repentinas subidas están a la orden del día, quisiera quedarme en el tope.
El tiempo siempre es la solución, el tiempo me dará las respuestas, solo espero que no se tarde como aquella vez.
Quiero relajarme y hacer las cosas bien, en orden, como lo hacen las personas “normales” pero es algo que no está en mí, sé que puedo hacerlas, pero me resultará sumamente difícil.
Si puedes hacerlo, sea cual sea el resultado. El chiste es estar bien.
A veces, solo quiero que pase, aunque duela hasta el fondo. Aunque este muy mal.

Voluntad, control y tiempo.

Eso es todo.

Disfrútalo, súfrelo, de eso es lo que esta hecha la vida. Solo recuerda, que tampoco eso es lo único, que eres fuerte y ¿eso? Eso… es solo una parte, de la cual, si no llega ahora, llegara mañana, pasado… no importa cuando, porque sí llega, en muchas formas.

Tranquila Kyo, tranquila, no te sientas mal, ya has pasado por esto y se que es lo que te duele, se que no has salido de las ultimas y ya te metiste en otra más, pero repite cuantas veces sea necesario, que el tiempo es sabio y que es el único que por ahora te puede ayudar.

¿Quieres hacer lo correcto? ¡Hazlo! Sé cuanto trabajo te cuesta, porque lo haces todo el tiempo, cada respiro, pero debes aprender, que por más fácil que parezca, tan inofensivo, es tu principal problema.

Vendrán tiempos mejores y muchos peores, ya sabes porque pasa, aprende por favor a evitarlo, ¿Quieres cometer ese error otra vez? Adelante, pero sabes, lo que pasará.

La mente se revuelve tanto en tan poco tiempo por tan insignificante cosa.

Vive. Tal y como sabes hacerlo.

Sorina Street, she's the one.

17 abril 2011


Your hair...

your red hair...

I'm so in love with you.

27 marzo 2011

I failed.

25 marzo 2011

You know?

I know, you love the song but not the singer

I know, you've got me wrapped around your finger

I know, you want the sin without the sinner

I know

I know
I know, the past will catch you up as you run faster

I know, the last in line is always called a bastard

I know, the past will catch you up as you run faster

I know

I know

I'm lost

17 marzo 2011

Cold Bones.

When you stop to eat

your body starts to consume itself

consume your laugh

your reality

your mind

your patience

your control

your time

your friends

the people you love

this is consuming me

04 marzo 2011


God, I'm down at the bottom

When you're gone and rain starts falling

I just sit here by the phone

"You can't do this to me now..."

25 febrero 2011


"When your mind becomes obsessed with anything, you will filter everything else out and find that thing everywhere"
Pi: The order of Chaos

11 febrero 2011

Give it to me.


Please please please please...



09 febrero 2011


i did it again

Cansada... muy cansada...

She's a bitch, with broken arms to wave

Your worries, and cares... goodbye.

you can say goodbye...
you CAN do it!

04 febrero 2011



لا تأكل أكثر

انقاص وزنه

27 enero 2011


Diez meses.

Muero de ansiedad.
Mañana es mi exámen piloto.

Tengo una sensación espantosa en todo el cuerpo, algo de nauseas.
Todo me provoca ansiedad, voy a desfallecer...

Han sido diez meses, sin duda alguna, muy buenos para mi en cuanto a la relación que llevo con ella.
Te amo mi Naya.

Gracias por estar conmigo :)
Hoy no te vi...
ya casi no te veo...

He tenido muchas ganas de llorar estos últimos meses, pero no he podido desahogarme.
Tal vez porque muchas cosas bonitas lo han impedido.

21 enero 2011

Ro-botic. $$$

Me la he pasado comiendo comida para bebé
pobres bebés, no diré la marca... pero se ha convertido en pura azícar hecha papilla (sin fruta obvio) y pure de pollo transgénico.

Mi IMC es de 17.11... FAIL

I'm afraid of counting calories for the rest of my life.

He soñado varias veces contigo, sueño que me perdonas.
Quiero ya poder vivir sin arrepentirme de haberla cagado contigo, con nuestra amistad que apenas empezaba y que tanto quería. Quiero mandarlo ya al carajo y que no me importe.

Nayaaa mi Naya...cuanto extraño pasar horas y horas contigo.

The golden age, mis 20 años... menos unos 6-7 de vida mal gastada...
tengo que recuperarme.

No tiene que darme miedo la comida.

Que estupidez.

Que tonta...

Como sea...

muero de frío

18 enero 2011

Ssss uh~

Oh my god what have I done?(do it again)

All I wanted was a little fun(do it again)

Turn of my ro-botic brain.

All my thoughts are all the same (♥♥♥all insane♥♥♥)

17 enero 2011



I'll take you for a ride

On my garbage truck

I'll take you to the dump

...Cuz you're my queen

Take you uptown

I'll show you the sights

You know you wanna ride

I got a stereo

you just gotta turn the knob

And baby we'll go

As far as we can

I'll be your garbage man

I'll take out your junk

and crush it down

08 enero 2011

Año nuevo.

Me gustaría más, continuar...

que volver a empezar.